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Thursday, August 31, 2006

How to Add MP3s to Your iPod Using iTunes

Have you ever wanted to add MP3s to your iPod? Maybe you're a student attending classes and you downloaded the MP3 audio of the class from the professor's website. Or maybe the professor has provided you with an MP3 CD containing a lecture you missed. And maybe you want to listen to the lecture on your iPod while you're cruising down the road to take the exam! Well I can't help with your exam, but putting MP3s into your iPod is a snap. I'll tell you how.

You already know that you can play audio files with iTunes on your computer. And the audio files you play can be copied onto your iPod. iTunes keeps a database of songs you've "added" to it. This database is your library. But the iTunes database is basically just pointers to where the audio files are stored. So if you add the same song more than once iTunes is smart enough to just update the pointer (or not). I mention this so that if you have MP3s on a CD or DVD you might want to copy them to your hard drive first. That way iTunes won't have you mount the CD or DVD again when you play them. Just be sure and remember where you copied the MP3s to have iTunes locate them.

Then just fire up trusty old iTunes! From the main menu under File select Add File To Library to add one, or maybe a few MP3s or select Add Folder To Library to add all the MP3s in a folder (or directory for Windows users). Whoosh and it will be added to your library. Then, of course, you will add or synchronize it with your iPod as you usually do!


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